Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Difference between Join and Concatenate

Join means that the columns in both tables are compared and the join is made over those columns that have the same column names.
This means that if multiple columns are shared between tables, the match will be made over the distinct combinations of those columns

*By default, Qlikview performs an outer join

Let’s have clear picture of the join 


Concatenate just appends the rows of one table to another. Concatenate never merges any rows. The number of rows in a concatenated table is always the sum of the rows from the two input tables. Here's what our sample data will look like after Concatenate.


Instead of matching and merging rows between tables, this statement appends the rows of one table to another
Let’s have clear picture of the Concatenate

Monday, August 24, 2015

A)    What is a Circular loop in Qlikview? 

Circular loop means you have alternative connections between two or more tables, so we need to break the connections, QV can't live with circular loops, we should make the connections straight.

Below is the circular loop image

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Today update is

The difference between the SET and LET in Qlikview
SET is nothing but assigning the variables as it is, can use any where the same will reflects
Whereas LET evaluates the expression and it stores the result into given variable

          SET  vmyTime= now();

It will returns the now() as it is

Whereas LET  vmyTime = now();

It will returns the current time, this mean it evaluates 

the expression and the result store into vmyTime


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Table viewer types in Qlik view (internal table, source table view)

hi  Qv'ens:
There are two types of table view's are available

1) Internal Table view: (ITV)
             It is the default view of Qlikview and it describes how the data stored in Qlikview

2) Source table view: (STV)  it shows the data how Qlikview read them 

The main difference between these two tables is:
                   ITV: shows the synthetic keys if any occur, where as in STV when synthetic keys are formed it will not show, instead it creates multiple connectors between the tables in which the synthetic keys are affected

please find the below images for better understanding

Default view : Internal table View
Source table view

For further clarification post your comment